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(CAS-NR.: 2807-30-9)
Ausgabe: Mai 2002
Stand: November 2001
There are no tests results from in vitro or from vivo experiments. According to the EC classification criteria there is no classification possible (M: -).
There are no data available for this endpoint; therefore according to the EC classification criteria there is no classification possible (C: -).
Reproductive Toxicity/Fertility:
There is only one publication dealing with fertility aspects of EGPE [Nagano et al., 1984].
Male Mice gavage | 0; 500; 1000; 2000 mg/kg bw/d, 5 d/w, 5 w |
(JCL-ICR) | no significant difference in relative testes weight ( % of bw) and no histological abnormalities in any dose group; |
There are no specific studies on fertility available. From studies with repeated dosing in rats (inhalative exposure to max. 3.4 mg/l, 6 h/d, 5 d/w, for 2 weeks; gavage application of max. 1560 mg/kg bw/d, 5 d/w, 6 weeks) there are no hints for detrimental effects on the gonads.
Therefore according to the EC classification criteria no classification is warranted RF: -).
Reproductive Toxicity/Development:
There are two teratology studies available on rats and rabbits.
D rats | inhalation g.d. 6-15 6 h/d sacrifice gd 20 |
0; 100; 200; 300; 400 ppm
Maternal Toxicity: 100 ppm NOEL Fetal Effects: 100 ppm NOEL |
[Krasavage et al. 1985] |
Rabbits (NZW) | inhalation gd. 6-18, 6 h/d sacrifice gd 29 |
0; 125; 250; 500 ppm Maternal Toxicity:
no significant maternal toxicity (NOEL 500 ppm), no alterations in reproduction parameters Fetal Effects: No significant fetotoxic or teratogenic effects (NOEL 500 ppm) |
[Krasavage et al. 1990] |
In summary there is some week experimental evidence for foetotoxic effects of the substance in rats in presence of clear maternal toxicity. In rabbits there were no fetotoxic or teratogenic effects but even the highest concentration tested (500 ppm) produced still no maternal toxicity. Obviously the rat is far more sensitive than the rabbit. based on the week effects in rats and according to the EC classification criteria no classification is warranted (RE: -).
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