Regelwerk, Gefahrgut, Schifffahrt, MEPC
MEPC.2/Rundschreiben 27
Inhalt =>
1 Einleitung
2 Liste der Anlagen
3 Anmerkungen zu den Anlagen Produktlisten (Anlagen 1 bis 5)
4 Unterrichtung über neue Einträge im Rahmen dreiseitiger Vereinbarungen
5 Dreiseitige Kontaktadressen
Anlage 1 Annex 1 List 1: Pure or technically pure products and mixtures assessed as a whole
Annex 2 List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO
Annex 3 List 3: (Trade-named) mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO, presenting safety hazards
Annex 4 List 4: Pollutant only mixtures containing one or more components, forming more than 1% by weight of the mixture, which have not yet been assessed by IMO
Annex 5 - List 5: Substances not shipped in pure form but as Components in Mixtures
Annex 6 - Synonyms for vegetable oils
Annex 7 - List of country abbreviations
Part 1 - Code Order
Part 2 - Country Order
Annex 8 - Tripartite agreement contact addresses
Annex 9 - Manufacturers authorized to conduct pollutant only assessments by calculation
Annex 10 - Cargo tank cleaning additives
Annex 11 - Biofuels recognized under the 2019 Guidelines for the carriage of blends of biofuels and MARPOL Annex I carg