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Staat | Kontaktinformationen der wichtigsten zuständigen nationalen Behörden |
GAMBIA | The Director General Gambia Port Authority P.O. Box 617 Banjul THE GAMBIa Telephone: +220 4 227 270, +220 4 227 260, +220 4 227 266 Telefax: +220 4 227 268 |
GEORGIA | State Ships' Registry and Flag State Implementation Department/Seafarers' Department Maritime Transport Agency 23 E. Ninoshvili Str. 6000 Batumi GEORGIa Telephone: +995 422 274 925 Telefax: +995 422 273 929 Email: fsi@mta.gov.ge, stcw@mta.gov.ge Maritime Search and Rescue Centre Maritime Transport Agency 50 Baku Str. 6000 Batumi GEORGIa Telephone: +995 422 274 925, +995 599 293 736 Telefax: +995 422 273 929 Email: mrcc@mta.gov.ge Website: www.mta.gov.ge |
GERMANY | Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Division G 16 - Transport of Dangerous Goods Ms Korinna Rakowski Robert-Schuman-Platz 1 53175 Bonn GERMANY Telephone: +49 228 3000 or 300 ext., +49 228 300 2471 Telefax: +49 228 300 807 2471 Email: ref-g16@bmdv.bund.de Website: www.bmdv.bund.de/SharedDocs/DE/Artikel/G/Gefahr gut/gefahrgut-recht-vorschriften-seeschifffahrt.html BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung Department 3 - Containment Systems for Dangerous Goods; Energy Storage Unter den Eichen 44-46 12203 Berlin GERMANY Telephone: +49 30 8104 0, +49 30 8104 1310 Email: seeverkehr@bam.de,anita.schmidt@bam.de Website: www.bam.de Packagings, IBCs, portable tank and MEGCs in conformity with the IMDG Code will be marked "D/BAM". |
GHANA | Capt. Abdul Nasir Inusah Technical Services Division/Director Ministry of Transport/Ghana Maritime Authority P.O. Box Ministries 34 Ridge 233 Accra GHANa Telephone: +233 302 677 702, +233 244 037 367 Telefax: +233 302 677 702 Email: inusah.a.nasir@ghanamaritime.org, info@ghanamariti-me.org Website: www.ghanamaritime.org Mr. Thomas Kofi Alonsi Director General Ministry of Transport/Ghana Maritime Authority PMB 34 Ministries Post Office Accra GHANa Telephone: +233 302 662 122 Telefax: +233 302 684 392 Email: thomas.k.alonsi@ghanamaritime.org, info@ghanamariti-me.org Website: www.ghanamaritime.org Capt. Francis K. Botse Micah Harbour Master, Port of Tema Ministry of Transport/Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority Port of Tema, P.O. Box 150 Greater Accra GHANa Telephone: +233 244 167 488 Telefax: +233 2220 2812 Email: kmicah@ghanaports.gov.gh Website: www.ghanaports.gov.gh |
GIBRALTAR (UNITED KINGDOM) | Survey Division Gibraltar Maritime Administration Watergate House 2/8 Casemates Square GX11 1Aa GIBRALTAR (UNITED KINGDOM) Telephone: +350 2004 6862, +350 5693 9000 Telefax: +350 2004 7770 Email: maritime.survey@gibraltar.gov.gi |
GREECE | Safety of Navigation Division Ministry of Mercantile Marine International Relations Department 150 Gr. Lambraki Av. 185 18 Piraeus GREECE Telephone: +301 41 911 88 Telefax: +301 41 281 50 Telex: +212022, 212239 YEN GR Email: dan@yen.gr |
GUERNSEY (UNITED KINGDOM) | Mr. Jerome Davis head of Port Operations Guernsey Ports S Julians Emplacement St Peter Port GY1 3DL GUERNSEY (UNITED KINGDOM) Telephone: +44 1481 705 823 Email: jerome.davis@gov.gg Website: www.harbours.gg |
GUINEa BISSAU | The Minister Ministry of Transport & Communication Avda. 3 de Agosto Bissau GUINEa BISSAU Telephone: +245 212 583 +245 211 308 |
GUYANA | Stephen Thomas Maritime Administration Department Kingston, top Floor Fort Street Georgetown GUYANa Telephone: +592 225 7330, +592 226 7842 Email: dg@marad.gov.gy, info@marad.gov.gy Website: http://marad.gov.gy |
ICELAND | Icelandic Transport Authority (ICETRA) Armuli 2 108 Reykjavik ICELAND Telephone: +354 480 6000 Email: geirg@samgongustofa.is, samgongustofa@samgongu-stofa.is |
INDIA | Capt. K.P. Jayakumar Nautical Advisor to the Government of India (I/c) Directorate General of Shipping 9th Floor Beta Building, i-Think Techno Campus, Kanjurmarg (East), Mumbai 400 042 Maharashtra INDIa Telephone: +91 22 2575 2009 Telefax: +91 22 2575 2032 Email: jayakumar-dgs@gov.in, anish-dgs@gov.in, na-dgs@nic.in |
INDONESIA | Director of Sea and Coast Guard Directorate-General of Sea Transportation Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia INDONESIa Email: kplp_imdgcode@dephub.go.id, kplp_syahbandar@de-phub.go.id |
IRELAND | Department of Transport Marine Survey Office The Chief Surveyor Leeson Lane Dublin 2 IRELAND Telephone: +353 1 604 1420 Telefax: +353 1 604 1408 Email: mso@transport.ie |
ISRAEL | Mr. Yosef Yohana head, Shipping Inspectorate Ministry of Transport, Administration of Shipping & Ports 15a Pal-Yam St. P.O. box 806 31077 Haifa ISRAEL Telephone: +972 4863 2080 Email: yohanay@mot.gov.il |
ITALY | Lt Cdr (IT.C.G.) Francesco Foti Uffıcio II - Merci Pericolose Comando Generale del Corpo delle Capitanerie di Porto Viale Dell'Arte, 16 00144 Roma ITALY Telephone: +39 06 5908 4267, +39 06 5908 4652 Telefax: +39 06 5908 4630 Email: cgcp@pec.mit.gov.it segreteria.reparto6@mit.gov.it Website: www.guardiacostiera.gov.it |
(Stand: 02.01.2025)
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