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a 3.1.2 Kalzium
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a 3.2.1 Verhalten bei Tieren
[Sie 00] Sienkiewicz, Blackwell, Haylock, Saunders and Cobb: Low-level exposure to pulsed 900 MHz microwave radiation does not cause deficits in the performance of a spatial learning task in mice, Bioelectromagnetics, 2000 (21/3), 51-158.
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[Wan 001 Wang and Lai: Acute exposure to pulsed 2450 MHz microwaves affects water-maze performance of rats, Bioelectromagnetics, 2000 (21) 52-56.
a 3.2.2 Elektroenzephalogramm beim Menschen
[Bor 99] Borbely, Huber, Graf, Fuchs, Gallmann arid Achermanm Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram, Neuroscience Letters, 1999 (275/3), 207-210.
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a 3.2.3 Schlaf
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a 3.2.4 Kognitive Funktionen beim Menschen
[Koi 00a] Koivisto, Revonsuo, Krause, Haarala, Sillanmäki, Laine and Hämäläinen: Effects of 902 MHz electromagnetic. field emitted by cellular telephones on response times in humans, Neuroreport, 2000 (11/2), 413415.
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a 3.2.5 Blut-Hirn-Schranke bei Ratten
[Fri 97] Fritze, Sommer, Schmitz, Mies, Hossmann, Kiessling and Wiessner: Effect of global system for mobile communication (GSM) microwave exposure on bloodbrain barrier permeability in rat, Acta Neuropathologica, 1997 (94/5), 465470.
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